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North Pole Exposure

Original script by John Jacobson and Mac Huff

Adapted by Stephanie Pujol (2017)

Announcer: (over music, dramatically) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the most magical place on Earth! We’ve got it all! Reindeer, Santa, Singing Snowmen, Elves…you name it! So, whether you celebrate Christmas, or just love the joy of the season, we‘ve got a show for you. Ladies and gentlemen…. WELCOME TO THE NORTH POLE!



Song 1: North Pole Exposure


Kid 1: Wow! I can’t believe we finally made it to the North Pole!

Kid 2: I can’t believe it really exists!

Kid 3: What was that?

Kid 4: What was what?

Kid 5: Hey guys! Look at this! [looks over at “frozen” elf…touches him/her)

Elf 1: BOO!


Kid 6: Are they…are they….real?

Elf 2: (sarcastically) Are WE real? Well, I don’t know. ARE we real? What do you think everybody, are we real? (everyone laughs).

Elf 3: Wait a minute. WE have some questions for YOU. First, what are you doing here?

Kid 7: Well, uh…you see, what had happened was….

Elf 4: Spit it out kid! We don’t have all day.

Kid 8: Let me explain. We set out to see if the North Pole really exists. We’ve heard a lot of crazy rumors about what goes on up here.

Elf 5: Rumors? Ha! There is nothing unusual going on up here. Just your normal toy making. And some flying reindeer, of course.

Kids: WHAT? Flying Reindeer!!!?

Elf 5: (nervously) Uh, forget it. I mean…haha…did I say FLYING reindeer? I meant CRYING reindeer. Yeah, that’s it. They are crying because….they….uh….saw a sad movie. Or something.

Kid 9: I don’t buy it. Not for a second.

Elf 6: OK, OK…the truth. (deep breath). Well….why don’t we let you hear it straight from the reindeer’s mouth?

[Reindeer play-on music. Reindeer enter and create total chaos]

Rudolph: That’s not good enough, fellas! We’ve got to do better!

Dasher: Yes, sir!

Rudolph: Prancer?

Prancer: Sir, YES SIR!

Rudolph: Are we ready to show these kids what we do here?

Reindeer: Sir, YES SIR! [salute Rudolph]

Song 2: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.


Kid 9: Wow, that was amazing! And kind of weird! [everyone laughs]

Elf 7: You know it! But, I’ve gotta tell you...I’m kind of exhausted after that.

Elf 8: Yeah, and with all that toy-making, I can hardly breathe!

Santa: Ho Ho Ho!

Kid 10: SANTA!

Santa: That’s right, young one. It’s me, Santa Claus. These elves are the ones who really make me look great. I mean, talk about your hard workers. These guys never slow down. I’m starting to think they could use a rest!

Elf 9: Well, I just have to admit that I’m EXHAUSTED. We make toys all year round, and I just need a break. I’m so tired [falls asleep and snores, yawns, etc).

All: (yawn loudly)




Toys: YES SIR! [salute]

Sergeant: [drill sergeant accent] Let’s get moving, toys! Christmas is approaching! All toys must mobilize immediately! What? What’s that? I don’t care who made you! I don’t care if you were made by an elf. I don’t even care if you came from Sears! (everyone laughs).

Girl Doll: Uh, where are we going, sir?

Boy Doll: Yeah, I mean…where would we be going?

Teddy Bear: I haven’t had enough time to cuddle yet! I can’t go anywhere before my daily cuddling time!

Sergeant: This is absolutely ridiculous! You guys can’t just stand around and expect to get played with. You’ve got to work at this! You’ve got to tell them who you are! You’ve to show these kids what you can do!

Kid 1: Wait…are these toys…uh…TALKING? (panics)

Sergeant: Oh, settle down kiddo. After all, THIS is the North Pole we are talking about here! It’s a land of magic. It’s a land of snow. It’s a land of fun! Most importantly, it’s a land where TOYS FOLLOW ORDERS AND GET THEIR TOY BUTTS MOVING!

Toys! Atten-HUT!

All: (salute) Hut!

Sergeant: That’s more like it. Now, who are we?

All: Toys!

Sergeant: I can’t HEAR you! WHO ARE WE!?

All: TOYS!

Sergeant: Who?

All: TOYS!!!!!!!!!!



Song 3: Let it Snow

Snowman 1: Guys, it’s FREEEEEEZING out here!

Snowman 2: I can’t feel my fingers!

Snowman 3: Uh, you don’t HAVE any fingers! (everyone laughs)

Snowman 4: I can’t feel my nose!

Snowman 5: You don’t HAVE a nose! (laughter)

Snowman 4: Yeah? Well, what do you call THIS (points at nose)?

Snowman 5: A carrot (laughter)

Snowman 6: Yeah, well I don’t know about you guys, but I want to go someplace WARM. Like Hawaii!

Snowman 1: WHAT? We can’t go there! We’ll melt!

Snowman 6: Yeah…yeah…WHATEVER! That won’t stop me from dreaming about it, now will it? Just imagine….(looks upwards as if dreaming).



Kid 1: Wow…this place is unreal! We’ve got singing snowmen that want to go to Hawaii, flying reindeer, elves, and Santa? This is bonkers!

Kid 2: Tell me about it! I just don’t see how it can get any better!

Kid 3: I know, but I think with all the reindeer, tropical snowmen and elves, we might be forgetting something!

Kid 4: What are you talking about

Kid 6: Why do I feel a song coming on?

Kid 3: (sarcastically) Gee, whatever do you mean?

Kid 7: Come on now…you know it. We know it. I think it’s time we remind everyone of the joys of Christmas with a song!

All: Yay!

Song 4: Holy Night



Kid 8: That was beautiful! That song made me realize something.

Kid 9: What’s that?

Kid 10: Well, I realized that no matter which holiday someone celebrates, this is a magical time of year! Look around you! Look at all the lights and colors! Wherever we go, we see people getting into the holiday spirit. And Jesus´ love is all around. People seem to love everything the season represents.

Kid 9: Right on DUDE!

All: (laughter)

Kid 10: And it’s even more special here at the North Pole. Look! Here comes Mrs. Claus!

Mrs. Claus: Hello, children! It’s so wonderful to see you!

All: (impressed and excited) MRS. CLAUS!!!

Mrs. Claus: That’s me. And I must say, I’m so excited at this time of year. Santa and the elves are busy. The reindeer are getting their strength up. The snowmen are singing! People all around the world are in the holiday spirit!

Rudolph: I can’t wait! I’m ready to go! But….well….

Mrs. Claus: Yes?

Rudolph: It’s just that we work so hard all year…I’d really like just one day off!

Elf 1: I know what you mean. I love what I do, but I really would like just one day to do what I want!

Elf 2: Yeah, me too!

Mrs. Claus: Well, children…and elves…and reindeer, and…all of YOU (points to audience), I have some good news. Even though the holidays are fun, they certainly are a lot of work. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year and more, we all get REALLY tired. That’s why we’re trying something new at the North Pole this year. We’re going to take just ONE day to do what we want. Maybe we’ll watch a movie, or do some dancing. Maybe we’ll order a pizza and just sit back and relax! So, no matter what holiday you and your family celebrate, we can all look forward to that one day a year!

All: [explodes with cheers)



Kid 1: Wow, and we thought all she did was make COOKIES!

Kid 2: This North Pole sure is a crazy place!

Kid 3: No kidding. Who would have ever imagined it would be like this. Tired elves, snowmen who want to go to Hawaii, disorganized reindeer, beautiful Hanukkah lights?

Santa: Ho Ho Ho!

Kid 4: I’m not sure we can believe that Santa is just the jolly old elf we’ve always been told!

Kid 5: Yeah, he probably just acts like that that one day a year, and then goes back to eating chicken wings and watching tv!

All: (laughter)

Santa: HO HO HO! Well kids, how else do you think I keep my figure (pats stomach)? It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it!

Mrs. Claus: Now hold on a minute, kids! I can tell you that while Santa does certainly eat his fair share of junk food and watch a lot of sports during HIS “offseason,” he’s the same man all year round!

Kid 6: Glad to hear it. And what about the whole North Pole? Does it stay this magical at other times of year?

Mrs. Claus: Well, we may take a day off now and then, but yes. The magic of the North Pole doesn’t just disappear. So, no matter what you and your family celebrate at this time of year, we hope you’ll think of us up here in the North Pole. We’ll be keeping that holiday spirit all year round until we see you next year!

Kid 7: Wow, AMAZING! But, it looks like we’re going to have to get going. It’s been a great time, but I’m getting cold. Plus, I told my Mom I’d be back by dinner, and that was like a week ago!

All: (laughs)

Kid 8: Yep, time to get going. We’ll miss you all, but maybe we can come back next year.

Mrs. Claus: We certainly hope so! It’s been so great having all of you here. Have a safe trip!

Santa: HO HO HO! Yes, children. So Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year to you all! HO HO HO HO HO!!!!!!

All: [cheers]

Song 5: Reprise: Welcome to the North Pole



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